Start Making Your Own Cosmetics

Start Making Your Own Cosmetics




First of all, you know EXACTLY what you’re putting into your body There has been a lot of alarm raised about the ingredients found in commercial beauty products. if you take the time to read the back of your shampoo, deodorant or any one of your products, you are bound to find something that you don’t understand. Most of them contain preservatives known as parabens. Put simply, the problem with parabens is their cumulative effect when they are absorbed into the body. Typically your skin will absorb around 60% of what is applied topically to it.

Company: Myraben Limited
Registration no.: ΗΕ 384537
VAT no.: 10384537R
Director: Styliani Dimosthenous
Address: Pompiias 11, Nicosia
ZIP code: 1022

Country: Cyprus


Phone: 442045385266


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